What Are the Pickles Reading?




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Books and Authors


1.While Stephen King and Anne Rice may be my favorite authors. Gone With The Wind is my all time favorite book. If you have any GWTW memorabilia you would like to sell, e-mail Me!!!

2. Of course, Stephen King! Scroll down to see what Gary says below.

3. Anne Rice is also one of my favorites. It would be difficult for me to pick one favorite book by Anne. But, if I actually HAD to pick, I'd say it would be "The Vampire Lestat". I've probably read everything in the vampire series 4 or 5 times. Picking up one of those books is like visiting old friends.

4. Another author I really enjoy is Marion Zimmer Bradley. I've read many of her books, but return again and again to "The Mists Of Avalon".

5. Maeve Binchy is another Favorite. How can you not love her?! 


1. My favorite author is, of course, Stephen King! ("I'm his number one fan..."). I love his books. His latest book, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon is ok, but it's not your typical Stephen King book. The Dark Tower Series is outstanding. Other favorites include The Shining, The Stand, Christine, It (awesome book, I've read it probably 20 times), Salems's Lot (this was my first King book, many years ago), Misery (see quote above!) and one of my all time favorite books....Pet Semetary (forget the movie, the book is killer!).

2. I enjoyed The Witching Hour by Anne Rice, but other than that, I think her books are too hard to read.

3. I read a lot of historical books also. In particular, I have many books concerning Adolf Hitler and his henchmen. I also have several books about the Titanic (not the stupid fake love story movie). I think I've read enough about the Kennedy Assassination to write my own book.

4. I've also got several books written by different astronauts. One good book is "We Seven" by all seven of the original Mercury Astronauts. Another good one is "First on Moon" by Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins.


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Gary & Angela Pickle

Date Last Modified: 5/12/99
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