The Austin Browning Story

Hi, my name is Austin Browning and my life is a

 story I want you all to hear.


My first few days on this earth seemed to be

terrific , and nothing could be better.

I had my dad, mom, brother and sister all there

with me. I could not wait to see what it would be

like living with this family. All we were waiting on

was the release papers for me to go home.


  That night things took a change for the worse for

me. I was getting hot and real sweaty, my skin was

changing color, and I began to feel really bad. A

nurse had came in that night to check on me and

noticed this. She took me from my mothers arms

while she was sleeping. I had the feeling I would

never see these people ever again. I was so afraid.


 The next thing I know is this lady started poking

me with these real sharp objects.

I could feel the weight leaving my body. I was

shrinking for some reason. I was 8 pounds, now I

am 7, then 6. What was going on with me. All I

knew is I wanted to see the woman they kept

calling mommy, and the weird looking dude they

had called daddy.


  As I tried to open my eyes to see what was

happening to me this weird looking thing with all

kinds of lights was pulling up. The lady that was

poking me told these two guys I had to go to a

bigger place, I needed help bad. Then the lady

stuck  me again and feed this tube into me.


 Once I got to the new place, I really wanted to see

mommy and daddy, but I could no longer open my

eyes. All I could do was hear. And suddenly I

heard the sweetest voices in my life. It was her

and him, mommy and daddy, but they were crying

and praying over me, saying, “please help him

God.” What  was wrong , I could not tell but I

knew I was in for a long ride with this.


 They had stuck all kinds of gadgets on me, one to

feed me, one to listen to me and one to measure

oxygen. Then all of a sudden I had these real bad

shakes, what was happening to me. All I could

hear was mommy saying some one please help

him in terror. This happened 14 times that night. I

wish I could have saw what was going on.


 I heard dad and mom talking to the doctor later

on that day and heard the doctor say something

about strep b and spinal meningitis.  All I could

hear was that I was probably going to die. I only

had a 10 percent chance in living. But a lot of

shots, and a lot of love later I started to get better.

Three months of darkness, and finally I opened

my eyes again and seen mommy and daddy again.

They never left my side. And I was so happy to see



 Now I am almost a year old and things still don't

feel right, but I have the two most loving parents I

know. I have to go to the doctors a lot and one

doctor told me I had cerebral palsy and there

might be chance I will never walk.. But I am going

to fight hard, so I can play with my brother and



  I am now three and still cant walk but I enjoy life

and am now in school. I learned to get around and

play, but my little butt takes a beating because I

scoot everywhere.

 I am still fighting this problem, just yesterday I

had twelve botox shots injected into my legs, I will

let you know if it helps.


 Well this is a little of my, life but I hope it lets you

know never to give up on life.

I only had a 10 percent chance and I made it.


Me and my mommy her name is Wendy.

My brother Timmy and my sister Brooklyn

This is my dad Clem Browning